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unflappable is a synonym of composed

adjective [ uhn-flap-uh-buhl ]

unflappable is another word for composed

Someone who is composed is calm and collected—they have their feelings under control in a given moment. Someone who is unflappable is utterly unshakable or imperturbable, especially in a crisis. Someone with an unflappable demeanor, for instance, is remarkable for their even-keeled conduct and deportment, even when it might seem perfectly reasonable to the rest of us to make a flap!

Commonly found as

unflappable demeanor
She made many difficult and momentous decisions, but the world leader was remembered most for her unflappable demeanor.
seemingly unflappable
The volleyball team was nervous in practice because they will face the seemingly unflappable defending champions next week.

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augur is a synonym of predict

verb [ aw-ger ]

augur is another word for predict

To predict something is foretell it, often but not always with precision of calculation, knowledge, or shrewd inference from facts or experience. To augur something is to divine or predict it, as from omens. Augur also means to bode, as in the case of a consumer trend that augurs well for a company. Augur is easy enough to find in contemporary writing and speech, but it is rooted in ancient mysteries: the noun augur, which predates the verb in English, refers to one of a group of Roman officials charged with observing and interpreting omens for guidance in public affairs.

Commonly found as

augur well
The wave of closures in the tech sector did not augur well for the economy.
augur + future
Intentional or not, the series had an uncanny knack for auguring the future.

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chagrin is a synonym of disappointment

noun [ shuh-grin ]

chagrin is another word for disappointment

The word disappointment refers to a feeling of being let down, or to something that produces that feeling by failing to fulfill expectations or wishes. The noun chagrin is more pointed: this word refers to a feeling of vexation or irritation marked by disappointment or humiliation—or both!

Commonly found as

much to my chagrin
The comedian locked eyes with me early in the night and proceeded to heckle me for the remainder of her set, much to my chagrin.
surprise and chagrin
He felt sure he had wowed the hiring committee during his interview. Imagine his surprise and chagrin when he didn't get a call back!

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