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tough is a synonym of strong

adjective [ tuhf ]

tough is another word for strong

Strong describes someone or something that is robust (They used a strong rope to help them climb the wall). It especially suggests people who have a lot of physical or mental power (We need a strong person to help us move this furniture).

✅ When describing a person, strong emphasizes resilience, whereas tough emphasizes being hardened by circumstances or not easily influenced or affected (The weather makes the people here tough).

✅ When describing things, strong and tough both suggest being resistant to wear (The jacket was made of tough material), but tough also suggests being difficult to work with (I made this spoon from a particularly tough piece of wood).

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adjective [ puhl-kri-tood-n-uhs, -tyood- ]

pulchritudinous is another word for beautiful

Beautiful describes someone or something which is pleasing to the senses (a beautiful dress; a beautiful sound).

Pulchritudinous describes someone who has physical beauty, or things that have a beautiful physical appearance (They stayed in a cabin at the edge of a pulchritudinous lake).

✅ While beautiful can apply beyond a person's looks, pulchritudinous is more limited to describing physical attractiveness (She has a beautiful soul; Hollywood is full of pulchritudinous people).

Pulchritudinous is a very uncommon word. Because it’s used so rarely, and it’s so long and difficult, people usually use it in a funny way.

Check out these easier-to-spell synonyms of pulchritudinous!

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reddish-brown is a synonym of cinnamon

adjective [ sin-uh-muhn ]

reddish-brown is another word for cinnamon

✅ All of the following are cinnamon synonyms (say that three times fast)!

1️⃣ Reddish-brown, although longer to say than cinnamon, is a more direct way to describe a color with a dark hue that combines red and brown (Her hair was reddish-brown).

2️⃣ You could also use amenable amber to describe a yellowish or brownish color (The cat's amber eyes gleamed in the darkness).

3️⃣ Russet rolls off the tongue, and refers to a yellowish-brown, light-brown, or reddish-brown that was originally the color of a homespun cloth (The old sea chest is a dark russet).

Any of these synonyms of cinnamon should help you tackle this spicy word!

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