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ardent is a synonym of passionate

adjective [ ahr-dnt ]

ardent is another word for passionate

Passionate describes feeling particularly strongly, either in general or about a specific thing (a passionate argument in favor of pineapple on pizza).

Ardent describes something characterized by intense feeling, or being intensely interested in or very passionate about something (an ardent fan of pop music).

Passionate and ardent both describe something that demonstrates or shows strong emotions (a passionate defense; an ardent promise).

✅ Of the two, ardent is more old-fashioned, and passionate is more commonly used.

If you’re an ardent fan of words, you should check out these synonyms!

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rhapsodic is a synonym of enthusiastic

adjective [ rap-sod-ik ]

rhapsodic is another word for enthusiastic

Enthusiastic describes being full of excitement or feeling intense interest in something (She was enthusiastic about seeing her favorite actor in a new film).

Rhapsodic describes being incredibly excited, or feeling a very powerful sense of interest and enthusiasm (He was rhapsodic about getting the concert tickets).

✅ Both enthusiastic and rhapsodic describe being excited and interested in something, especially when that excitement influences the way you behave.

Rhapsodic describes a more extreme excitement than enthusiastic, and the word itself can sound formal or old-fashioned.

Feeling rhapsodic over these synonyms is a sign of being a true word-nerd (and we love word-nerds!).

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sanguine is a synonym of optimistic

adjective [ sang-gwin ]

sanguine is another word for optimistic

Optimistic and sanguine both describe people with cheerful, positive, and sunny dispositions.

Optimistic describes being positive, seeing things in a positive light and expecting good outcomes (I was optimistic about the trip).

Sanguine describes seeing things in such a positive light and being so cheerful that you seem naive or oblivious to reality (He’s so sanguine that it can get frustrating).

Sanguine suggests a more extreme positivity than optimistic, and the word itself can sound formal, academic, or old-fashioned.

Describe a time you felt sanguine with the help of Grammar Coach.

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