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secure is a synonym of ensure

verb [ si-kyoor ]

secure is another word for ensure

To ensure something is to guarantee or make certain that it will happen. For instance, someone heading to a job interview might leave their house an hour early to ensure that they arrive on time. The verb secure is used with a very similar meaning, but often implies bringing something about, or getting ahold of something. A critically acclaimed book might secure an author's reputation, or an impressive play in a championship game might secure a victory. Additionally, secure is often used to talk about safety, both as a verb and an adjective, e.g. "The townspeople used sandbags to secure the town during the flood; as a result they all felt more secure."

Commonly found as

secure a future, secure a place
The shoppers arrived the night before the store's grand opening to secure their place in line.
efforts to secure
The nonprofit had to increase their efforts to secure funding from their donors for the project before they could hire personnel to get it up and running.

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dilemma is a synonym of problem

noun [ dih-lem-uh ]

dilemma is another word for problem

A dilemma is a special type of problem that requires a choice between two equally undesirable alternatives. When faced with a dilemma, we struggle to decide the best course of action. Dilemma comes from the Greek noun dílēmma, meaning "double proposition." In addition to being faced with a dilemma, one can be in a dilemma, or, more precariously, on the horns of a dilemma, meaning that even if you are able to avoid one horn (or choice), you may end up impaled by the other. While we don't often hear of people being trapped by dilemma, we do hear of people being trapped between a rock and a hard place (quite the dilemma!), and the theme of captivity turns up in prisoner's dilemma, a term that is used to talk about the tensions and trade-offs of individuals making decisions in their own self-interest versus for the good of a group.

Commonly found as

face a dilemma
The historian faced the dilemma of including the original text in her book, which some readers might not understand, or editing it for modern usage and losing some of the intended nuances.
ethical dilemma, moral dilemma
Whether or not to go through with predictive genetic testing is an ethical dilemma that many parents face.

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compelling is a synonym of interesting

adjective [ kuh m-pel-ing ]

compelling is another word for interesting

Interesting is one of those familiar adjectives that we reach for so often, it verges on filler. Compelling is a more intense form of interesting that can bring your meaning into focus. When something is compelling, in the sense of having a powerful and irresistible effect, it commands our attention. The adjective comes from the verb compel, which means "to force or drive, especially to a course of action." Compelling cases or compelling arguments force us to consider them. Art can be visually compelling, drawing us in and capturing our attention. Similarly, good books are often described as compelling if we cannot put them down.

Commonly found as

compelling story, compelling reason
Her triumph over the adversity of growing up in an underprivileged neighborhood was an incredibly compelling story.
clear and compelling
The prosecutor presented the case in a clear and compelling manner.

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