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reticent is a synonym of reserved

adjective [ ret-uh-suhnt ]

reticent is another word for reserved

We’re going to have to pry information out of today’s word because it is reticent. Reticent means “disposed to be silent or not to speak freely.” This tight-lipped adjective is more specific than its synonym reserved, which is widely used of both speech and actions and implies a guardedness born of caution or a sense of formality. Reticent simply describes people who aren’t inclined to chatter. A word to the wise: reticent is used to mean “reluctant” with some regularity, but style guides urge against this broad interpretation in favor of the more precise application.

Commonly found as

shy and reticent
The celebrity was shy and reticent throughout the interview, revealing next to nothing about her personal life.
usually reticent
The new teacher intrigued the usually reticent students, who were suddenly brimming with questions and excitedly talking over one another.

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enchant is a synonym of delight

verb [ en-chant, -chahnt ]

enchant is another word for delight

To be enchanted by something is to be delighted to a high degree, almost as if you’re under a (delightful) spell! This bewitching verb is a close synonym for delight, but enchant’s magical meanings infuse it with a little more charm. In fairy tales, witches might enchant princes and princesses, subjecting them to magical influence. Outside of fairy tales, the magic suggested by enchant might be more metaphorical than supernatural, but the term retains a touch of the mystical in all its uses. An audience that is enchanted by a performance is not simply delighted, but perhaps mesmerized, entranced, or spellbound by what’s before them.

Commonly found as

continue to enchant
The play Hamilton has continued to enchant audiences since it premiered in 2015.
enchanted by
The visitors to the national park were enchanted by the raw beauty of the landscape.

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bedeck is a synonym of decorate

verb [ bih-dek ]

bedeck is another word for decorate

To decorate something is to add ornamentation to it or to embellish it in some way. To bedeck something is to go all out with your ornamental efforts, adorning that object (be it a tree, a room, or one’s outfit) to the point of gaudiness. (Why not? We’re all friends here!) Bedeck is not a very common term; the shorter verb deck, as in “We were all decked out for the party,” is more familiar. But when bedeck does make an appearance, it's likely for a special occasion. This glitzy verb might describe a person who is drenched in jewels, an architectural feature festooned with flowers, or a tree absolutely covered with ornaments.

Commonly found as

bedeck oneself
Hoping to outshine the artwork at the museum’s opening, she bedecked herself in diamonds and rubies.
tree bedecked with
The tree in the hotel lobby was bedecked with glittery ornaments and multicolored tinsel—it was impossible to miss!

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