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anxiously is a synonym of nervously

adverb [ angk-shuhs-lee ]

anxiously is another word for nervously

Nervously refers to doing something in a way that suggests you feel uneasy and apprehensive (She paced nervously before she went on stage).

Anxiously refers to doing something in a way that suggests you are particularly worried or concerned, especially due to a fear of misfortune (He fiddled anxiously while waiting for the doctor).

Anxiously suggests a more intense level of worry or uneasiness than nervously (They anxiously waited for the judge's decision).

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irresolution is a synonym of indecision

noun [ ih-rez-uh-loo-shuhn ]

irresolution is another word for indecision

Indecision refers to an inability to decide (Her indecision led her to flip a coin instead of choosing for herself).

Irresolution refers to a lack of decision, purpose, or resolution (The government’s irresolution was frustrating).

Indecision and irresolution both refer to not being able to make a decision when a decision is needed.

Indecision refers to a simple inability to decide, while irresolution refers to lacking purpose and direction regarding something, and therefore not being able to make a decision. Irresolution is a pretty uncommon word.

We’ll make it easy: check out these synonyms for irresolution.

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articulate is a synonym of eloquent

adjective [ ahr-tik-yuh-lit ]

articulate is another word for eloquent

Eloquent describes having a fluid, effective style of speech and being able to accurately and appropriately express thoughts, ideas, and concepts (They gave an eloquent presentation).

Articulate describes using language easily and well and being able to express thoughts, ideas, and concepts in a clear way (He’s a very articulate person when he wants to be).

Eloquent and articulate both describe using language in a fluid way.

✅ However, while articulate emphasizes clarity, eloquent emphasizes speaking in a forceful and appropriate way (She was an eloquent speaker, and many people fell under her spell).

We hope this was articulate—now go check out some other synonyms!

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