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Ronald Reagan twice said he spotted unexplained aircrafts zooming over California.

How many Benny Hill scenes involved the creepy, portly man zooming about perilously near an unfathomably stacked woman?

A single white ball arcs up into the baby blue sky before zooming back down to the ground at great speed.

He had been delighting in zooming about just moments before.

He kept zooming in and zooming out with his camera, and it looked like there were people at the top of the tower.

Three times a great bare peak loomed suddenly up ahead of us, and Charlie averted collision only by zooming suddenly upward.

When Stan came zooming out of the top of the cloud, they were a bit startled and showed it by their hesitation.

They went up rather steeply; but the ace was not zooming; he knew his machine.

The Wellington went zooming out into a world of brilliant sunshine—and considerably more than that.

A wild cry of alarm rose up in Dawson's throat, but his zooming heart won the race to his mouth and choked it off.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


