

View definitions for soaring


adjective as in high

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America’s big banks capped off a winning year, led by soaring Wall Street-facing business lines.

From Axios

Nearly half a million jobs were lost in leisure and hospitality, the majority in restaurants as soaring cases prompted renewed business restrictions.

Roblox too saw the soaring stock prices of DoorDash and Airbnb at their December listings—each of which doubled in their first day of trading.

From Fortune

The proposal comes as California remains consumed by a growing pandemic crisis, with hospitals, particularly in Southern California, increasingly stretched by soaring cases that are expected to grow in coming weeks.

From Fortune

The soaring price of bitcoin—the virtual currency is now worth more than $250 billion—has gotten a lot of attention in recent weeks.

Motorcycles roar and swerve around women who balance soaring bundles confidently on their heads.

Thanks to the shale revolution, domestic oil production is soaring.

Strapped for medical staff and lacking in the resources needed to treat the 5,338 suspected cases, the numbers are soaring.

In West Africa, where the epidemic began, the number of cases has been soaring for eight straight months.

A U.S. escalation of bombing in Iraq and Syria would send it soaring.

The endless miles of railways, the vast apparatus of the factories, the soaring structures of the cities bear easy witness to it.

They were soon out-distanced, the palm-trees fell away, the soaring temple loomed against the blazing sky.

Those soaring columns held up the very sky, and their foundations made the earth itself swing true.

This had sent Fire Bear's stock soaring and had gained many recruits for his camp—even some of the older Indians joining.

She seemed like a released soul, something soaring and on the wing, far-distant as the wild fjords of her native Scandinavia.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


