noun as in cowboy
Strongest match
Weak matches
noun as in herdsman
Weak matches
Example Sentences
From Romantic squish to scabrous satirist to rebel wrangler to, finally, Ambassador of Goodwill.
Johnny worked as a wrangler at the Elkhorn dude ranch, but he lived only for the rodeo—until he met Sue.
She served as a gatekeeper and adviser, friend and designer wrangler.
By Tuesday morning it will be interesting to see whether Wrangler is still running their Brett Favre commercials.
On the rise, sharply silhouetted against the west, Alfred rode wrangler to the little herd of ponies.
"Oh, no, this kind of a wrangler isn't," laughed the foreman.
The first, or senior, wrangler probably beat him by a facility in applying well-known rules, and a readiness in writing.
Gilbert Wakefield, second wrangler in 1776, published an edition of Lucretius, and was a man of great ability and energy.
Mathematics came within his department; but, certainly in my time, he never turned out a wrangler.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.