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The leak suggests that Mr. Obama remains blind to the principal cause of his foreign policy woes.

The economic woes of the Great Recession have led to fewer marriages.

Only this time, those second-term woes threaten a “third-term” hope of another second-term President.

But amid their tumbling words describing their woes, they express disbelief much will come from the talks.

For a high-flying financier gone bad, faking your own death is a tempting escape from legal woes.

Under the soothing influence of beauty, however, the vicar forgot his woes.

She carried a broken-lipped jug, and was on her way to the shop which was at least the second cause of all her woes.

She is explaining a very sad “histoire” to the “type” next to her, intense in the recital of her woes.

The bliss of lovers is so unstable, that in every case lovers have more woes than the moon has changes.

All the old frozen woes seemed to melt in her, and she murmured awkwardly, looking away from him: "Oh, I'll wait."


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


