preposition as in inside of
Strong matches
adverb as in in/into the interior part
Strong matches
Weak matches
adverb as in on the inside
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
Without it, they say, the disease would surely kill her within two years.
Within a few swipes, I was already feeling that burst of romantic optimism you need the first day of the (Christian) new year.
Her travel clique has been known to arrive at an airport, bags packed, passport-in-hand, within hours of spotting a deal.
Within minutes, it seems, of the disclosures of these tragic events, large numbers of people chose a side and stuck to it.
Whatever happened overtook them both within a minute or so of that altitude change request, and they were never heard from again.
You need but will, and it is done; but if you relax your efforts, you will be ruined; for ruin and recovery are both from within.
Within the past thirty years civilization has rapidly taken possession of this lovely region.
At present, Louis was too self-absorbed by the struggles within him, to look deep into what was passing around him.
The Senora Moreno's heart broke within her, when those words passed her lips to her adored Felipe.
General Santa Anna is within a mile of us with fifteen hundred men.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.