noun as in weight training
Example Sentences
Whether you’re just starting out or are deep into your weightlifting journey, dumbbells are a necessity for your home gym.
She didn’t know about weightlifting at the time, but her mother saw the talent.
It’s not so much weightlifting strength but a core strength.
With a feat of golf and weightlifting that ought to rate way up there among masteries of sports pressure, Hideki Matsuyama managed to win the 85th Masters on Sunday.
When I asked what would be too heavy, she responded that she had never done any weightlifting and did not provide any guidance.
Even weightlifting demands the constant breaking down of muscle fibers.
Meanwhile, CrossFit has taken the relatively solitary world of weightlifting and calisthenics and spun a communitarian dreamland.
Predictably, Eurasians dominate weightlifting, wrestling, and most field events, such as the shot put and hammer.
Weight lifting: For an activity as strenuous as weightlifting, protein should be screaming through your muscles.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.