Example Sentences
Even still, Poroshenko seems wedded to a political settlement.
Whole Foods remains wedded to the trendy American consumer—one faced with lots of choices.
Of course, this newly wedded bliss is doomed from the start.
Sandoval is more committed to overall fiscal responsibility than wedded to ideology at any cost.
And while they may have an ideological slant, they are not wedded to it.
After ten years of wedded life she died before her parents, having made great inroads upon Gedeon Brunner's property.
And, just below, is a brief mention of Hippolyta, who had been wedded to Theseus.
In the early years of his wedded life he killed in a duel —though unknown to his wife—a man who had vilified Mme. Desmarets.
He counseled her to seek in literature relief from the bitterness of her wedded life.
He took her out walking, and laid all his radiant plans of wedded life before her.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.