noun as in armed conflict
verb as in fight, battle
Example Sentences
In a distant, war-torn land, there were 13 castles — three more than the usual 10 from prior battles.
Much of Silicon Valley, in a hyperbolically named “war for talent,” followed suit.
When the war ended, however, those ceilings were lifted, and unsurprisingly the price of meat skyrocketed.
Mulan’s elderly father is being called away to war, and he has no son to go in his place.
Baggott doesn’t end the fight but puts it in context by digging up the family feuds which started the war.
They are, to say the least, preparing for civil war (the polling stations are stormed by armed gangs).
But what is there more irresponsible than playing with the fire of an imagined civil war in the France of today?
Cold War fears could be manipulated through misleading art to attract readers to daunting material.
Kennedy: "Mankind must put an end to war — or war will put an end to mankind."
It is not a decisive war, with a single, signature victory, but a war of attrition.
He distinguished himself in several campaigns, especially in the Peninsular war, and was raised to the rank of field marshal.
His 6,000 native auxiliaries (as it proved later on) could not be relied upon in a civil war.
"There is no more war," Brion translated for Ulv, realizing that the Disan had understood nothing of the explanation.
I cannot reconcile the idea of a tender Heavenly Father with the known horrors of war, slavery, pestilence, and insanity.
We were now masters of the whole country, and the war was apparently at an end.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.