noun as in good
Example Sentences
There’s the potential for a virtuous cycle where lower costs recruit more consumers, who make further cost savings possible.
The American experience of the last four years should be a sobering reminder that the American government is not inherently virtuous or even inherently competent.
In short, a thorough belief in her own virtuousness and superior excellence was the key-note of her character.
In fact, George Sand has in no instance been less happy in defending her conduct and in setting forth her immaculate virtuousness.
The identification of happiness with virtue, however, necessitates the distinction between active virtue and virtuousness.
On the contrary, the hanging was turned by her partisans into an occasion for praising her marvellous virtuousness.
What is thy opinion as to the virtuousness or otherwise of this state of things?
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.