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noun as in old guard

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Veterans are a small minority of the population, as well, serving the greater whole.

The veteran, said he met Stone at support group Vets for Veterans.

I met Klay, a Marine veteran of Iraq, in 2008 at a writing workshop for veterans run by New York University.

I also thought it was interesting to see there were a lot of veterans after Ferguson talking about police militarization.

Part of that strangeness is the feeling veterans sometimes have that their lives will never be as important as they were overseas.

Soult, by every effort of voice and gesture, attempted to force his veterans to face the foe, but in vain.

Sword in hand the gallant Prince of Moskowa led the magnificent veterans to the attack.

The Scottish array appears to have made a deeper impression on the English veterans than on the English king.

To take on new Skoda or Krupp guns with these short-range veterans is rough on the gunners.

That is why our little sailor-boys, though their hearts are childlike still, have the spirit of gallant veterans.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


