up till
preposition as in until
Example Sentences
Up till then I was just a dog-assed heavy, one of the posse.
Kate has up till now done all the couple's grocery shopping herself, and she and William have shared cooking and cleaning duties.
The data Pew used for the latest study runs from 1968 up till 2008.
Even the main characters can't quite keep it up till the end.
They had been permitted to sit up till after the ice-cream, which naturally marked the limit of human indulgence.
He seldom got up till late in the day, dictating his letters and receiving his ministers in bed.
The girls sat up till midnight, at which time Haggard and his friend were due from Rome.
"Yes; and I went to sleep almost immediately, and did not wake up till very late next morning," she replied.
I can't get up till somebody helps me, and I did want to look at the valley.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.