Example Sentences
The campaign has recorded 102 million voter contacts through phone calls and door knocks since it began, a category that includes unsuccessful attempts to reach people.
On August 12, after months of unsuccessful negotiations with Condé Nast, Priya Krishna, Rick Martinez, and El-Waylly all took to Instagram to share that they would no longer appear in the brand’s test kitchen videos.
An attorney’s unsuccessful effort to obtain Metropolitan Transit System body camera video to defend her client has revealed gaps in the agency’s policy for handling footage that will soon get outside scrutiny at MTS’s request.
Later on, Hubbard was chief economic adviser to Mitt Romney on his unsuccessful 2012 presidential campaign.
Hallie Walker was trying to discern the difference between a successful rally and an unsuccessful one.
As a boy, by the way, Pierre had set out from Florida in an unsuccessful canoe trip to Cuba!
She had an unsuccessful go at trying to join the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills franchise.
Despite several years of lobbying, so far, the MPVR has been unsuccessful in its attempt to pass a measure.
Attempts by The Daily Beast to contact the ABMS for comment by phone and email were unsuccessful.
After years of unsuccessful entreaties by the U.S. TV networks, Pippa finally sat down to speak with Matt Lauer.
Spontaneous gaiety was gone out of his cousin, whose attempts to be his normal self became forced and unsuccessful.
Joe,” said Mr. Wardle, after an unsuccessful search in all his pockets, “is my snuff-box on the sofa?
Bonaparte made an unsuccessful attempt to carry St. Jean d'Acre by assault.
The application to the Government for remuneration for benefits conferred on the public was unsuccessful.
While thus successfully active abroad, have Ministers been either idle or unsuccessful at home?
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.