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His mother took him and his two siblings to live with their uncle, John Mercer, a wealthy lawyer who owned one of the largest libraries in Virginia.

From Ozy

Moreno publicly criticized Mariela Castro after she evoked her to defend the 1959 Cuban revolution that brought her uncle, Fidel Castro, to power.

According to Thurmond’s testimony, Ellis and Montgomery’s uncle, James Timothy Norman, met at a club where she danced and were previously intimate.

It was her uncle, Alfredo, who sold me our place nearly 20 years ago.

From Fortune

The ruse was up when the family moved back to Nigeria, and Oyelowo saw that many of his uncles had the same marks.

From Ozy

Same with my uncle and cousins when their planes landed from Vietnam.

The young Jordanian pilot comes from a well-known military family in the kingdom and his uncle is a retired major general.

It reminds me of an uncle of mine who said the London Blitz was irritating.

The uncle told RTL radio Hauchard called his grandmother, ostensibly from Syria, on Nov. 2, for her birthday.

Kim Jong Un, who assumed power on the death of his father, had given uncle Jang nearly free rein to handle relations with Beijing.

The strains of the syren at last woke her uncle, and brought back Miss Hood, who suggested that it was late.

“It means, my dear, that the Dragoons and the 60th will have to teach these impudent rebels a much-needed lesson,” said her uncle.

He could not bear to open his dreadful situation to his Uncle David, nor to kill himself, nor to defy the vengeance of Longcluse.

Out gets Uncle David, looking brown and healthy after his northern excursion.

Uncle David nodded, and waved his hand, as on entering the door he gave them a farewell smile over his shoulder.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


