adjective as in relating to a dramatic change
Example Sentences
The government has repeatedly used industrial policy to spur innovation and direct economic transformation, especially in times of peril.
It’s also digital transformation for Dassault Systèmes with these employees in order for them to think how it could also impact them, how they can also transform their management system and their companies.
In management jargon, those big changes are often described as “digital transformation.”
Just like the industries we cover, Digiday Media has experienced a year of major transformation and growth.
The result was a transformation in both the cattle breeding and liquid nitrogen industries.
In 1968, Ted Nugent was a lightning rod, a personification of transformational freedom.
Even now, a decision he viewed as practical resonates with women as transformational.
Cantor said he sees the election of de Blasio as the capstone of a transformational year for the progressive movement.
Rather, we must learn as we go, so that Senegal can be used as a model for transformational change at the grassroots level.
Obama campaigned as a transformational figure who wanted to move the country beyond the culture wars.
We have now to ask whether the facts of this transformational history are not capable of another explanation.
Nursing as Caring is a transformational model for all arenas.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.