
View definitions for born-again


adjective as in converted

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adjective as in reformed

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Cocaine busts, tax cheats, and bribe-taking, born-again Christians: Welcome to the political scandals of 2014.

But he said he has learned from his time there and is a born-again reformer.

There is a bespectacled born-again waving his hands in the air.

A girl with Day-Glo red hair embraced a born-again Christian.

His born-again parents imparted their faith onto Steven and Jordan, who also saved his virginity for marriage.

Thus, those who are born again, are rendered fit to lay hold upon the proposals of God's goodness and mercy through Christ.

If we are worthy of our name we must be born again of the Spirit.

This existence is so new to me, that I feel as if I had been born again.

It was a healthy fever in so far as it implied devotion to an ideal, the ideal of true art, which was then born again.

April is my natal month, and I am born again into new delight and new surprises at each return of it.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


