noun as in analogue
Strong matches
Example Sentences
Several companies sell the drug in the US, for prices that range from $10 to $50 apiece, but Plan B has the largest market share and is a de-facto synonym for the morning-after pill.
Hashish oil is basically a synonym for cannabis oil, which comes from marijuana.
As a synonym for a break-up note sent by a woman to a man in uniform, the Dear John letter made its debut in a major national newspaper in October 1943.
I think that the word “country” is a synonym for so many other words.
As a synonym for “nonsense,” bunk proved to be just the sort of satisfying, blunt word users crave.
Most importantly, foreign policy should not be reduced to a synonym for military action and covert operations.
Less canonically, “natural marriage” is also at times used as a rough synonym for “common-law marriage.”
It's a telling tic that we often use "urban" as a synonym for "black."
My students seem to really want to use “however” as a conjunction—more or less a synonym for “but.”
A synonym given for submissive is “compliant,” and among those given for submit is “yield” and “defer.”
One of the most beautiful symbols of the Catacombs is the dove, the perpetual synonym of peace.
It came to mean an entertainment of music and dancing, and was used as a synonym for masquerades.
Another synonym of tonos which becomes very common in the later writers on music is the word tropos.
Change the structure of the sentence, substitute one synonym for another, and the whole effect is destroyed.
The profits were beyond all reason, and the word publican became a synonym for sinner.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.