spare tire
noun as in extra fat around waistline
Example Sentences
The truck’s full-size spare tire stows in a bin beneath the bed.
Inside the engine compartment, underneath the spare tire in the trunk, and any junctures where the car is put together might accumulate outside trash that doesn’t belong.
It’s gonna help us get by, but if we think that we can try to drive with a spare tire for too long, the car is going to break down somewhere else.
The well where your spare tire lives is perfect for a small battery or nonessential gear.
The reason I carry around the (defensible, I tell myself) spare tire that I do is cheese.
I managed to rank some one out of a spare tire and started back again.
Rupert was already leaning over the back, dragging free a spare tire; Gerard slipped out of his seat.
There is a step on each side of the spare tire, one man on each one.
He throbbed fiercely just behind the spare tire, with his face bent down into a rich travelling cloud of gasoline exhaust.
We limped in, indeed, for we211 had had one of our frequent blowouts, and had no spare tire.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.