adjective as in inquisitive
noun as in hunt
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in judgment
noun as in scrutiny
Strongest matches
noun as in threshing
Example Sentences
Added microalgae can gobble up the fats and oils, and fine filters sift out the other bad junk.
Too bad Lisa Robinson didn’t focus more on how women are shaping music’s future, rather than sifting through the ashes of the past.
Spoon the mixture into a small fine-mesh sieve with larger holes, sift the ingredients through, discarding any remaining unground bits.
The technology can help engineers manage multiple design variations for semiconductors, for example, or sift through routine bug reports that software developers would otherwise have to manually review to figure out what is causing a glitch.
On the podcast, the crew sifted through the flurry of political mailers in recent days and pulled out a few interesting ones in the San Diego mayor’s race.
But as the forensic scientists continue sifting through the remains of the mass graves, that possibility seems remote.
Sifting sand and putting it back in place is really a short-term fix, say experts.
Once the sand was plowed back onto the beaches, volunteers scoured it for any flotsam that got through the sifting machines.
Sifting the ashes of an attack in revolutionary Arab states is hard.
Sifting through snapshots of her in various pageants, their faces radiate with pride.
It was a tremendous training in the sifting of evidence and the examination of appearances.
In spite of his gloom, he caught himself sifting and assorting and placing things in their relative values.
Without sifting the nature of Beauty, without giving some definition of it, nobody can attempt to construct a Hierarchy of Art.
This is what, after much sorting and sifting, I could get to know about the definite facts of it.
Men might have thought that some being from above was sifting down to the earth lurid darkness.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.