noun as in boxer shorts
noun as in pants
noun as in underwear
Example Sentences
The first public screening of Pathé film shorts took place sometime around 1903.
Our first film was all visual with no sound, and it turned into No More Excuses—which is five shorts in one intercut.
I stripped down to my gym shorts and stretched out on my cot.
A photo of the most recent professional tournament showed a fully male, predominantly white, t-shirt and cargo-shorts-clad top 8.
He wears a black Under Armour T-shirt, red basketball shorts, sneakers, and white socks hiked up to his calves.
She had torn open bags of beans, shorts, bran, chop-feed and cotton-seed meal.
He stood up straight and lean-muscled, in a pair of duck shorts.
The greater part of the year in Mesopotamia the regulation army dress consisted of a tunic and "shorts."
The greater the number of the too longs or the too shorts the greater his complacence in the contemplation of his labours.
I charge each hog $1 for bran and shorts; this is all the ready money I pay out for him.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.