noun as in transportation
Strong matches
Example Sentences
The deal also includes free shipping for Amazon Prime members.
This very rapid ecommerce growth did come with some hiccups, including a crushing number of packages leading to shipping delays at public and private carriers, including the USPS and UPS.
A 23-year-old who works for a shipping company, and who declined to give his name for safety fears, said he was disgusted by the military.
Along with the anticipated delayed shipping and production times, unfortunately our onboarding process with Neiman Marcus was initially put on hold.
Araujo says they’re also looking into making the sauce available for national and international shipping.
Manufacturing merchandise, publicity (a radio ad in SF, Facebook ads, venue specific advertising), supplies, shipping.
A plastic factory, a hardware supplier, and shipping–and-receiving giants like Fed-Ex and DHL are neighboring businesses.
Higher shipping costs mean additional friction for companies working in the Canadian oil sands.
Although new to the shipping industry, Kaiser proved a success in turning out the ships America needed.
By Abby Haglage The shipping company heads to court Tuesday to face $1.6 billion in charges of conspiring to traffic illegal meds.
She was only having a look; flying around the shipping and Headquarters camp at a great height, but dropping no bombs.
That curious, almost ridiculous-looking craft, was among the aristocracy of shipping.
After curing, it is removed to the packing house and baled in packages, and then transported on mules to the coast for shipping.
The long cavalcade is seen disappearing down the hill, while away in the distance is Portsmouth Harbour with its crowded shipping.
The Pryor makes the heaviest, richest shipping, and can only be grown to perfection on alluvial or heavily manured lands.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.