noun as in guest
noun as in holder
noun as in owner
Strongest matches
Weak matches
noun as in participant
Weak matches
noun as in party
Example Sentences
Proud of his small achievement, McKenzie shared a photo of his homemade creation on Facebook.
The company will disclose plans for the size and price range for the share sale in a later filing.
It did not release a similar metric for its photo-sharing app Instagram.
The three libraries that share buildings with recreation centers — Northwest One, Deanwood and Rosedale — were constructed between 2009 and 2012, but do not have enough space for meeting rooms.
Defendant’s family is Jewish, and he did not share the same geographic ancestral ties as Plaintiff’s husband.
Hence none felt any qualm as to the strong measures to be adopted towards the hostile sharer of the secret.
There is another very important sharer in distribution—the interest-taker.
His face was bright and eager; he was full yet of the pleasure of the evening, and anxious to make her a sharer of it.
I have often desired, ladies, to be a sharer in the good fortune of the man whose story I am about to relate to you.
But now, Little Jim seemed suddenly to have become an actual companion, a partner, a sharer in things as they were and were to be.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.