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One-Percent Jokes and Plutocrats in Drag Kevin Roose, New York What I saw when I crashed a Wall Street secret society.

Roose was careful to let evangelicals explain their beliefs for themselves and sometimes, to fall on their own swords.

Kevin Roose went undercover at Liberty University for his new exposé about the dorm life of evangelicals.

"I don't think a student has ever asked me that," the dean told Roose.

By a retrospective law, Roose was sentenced to be boiled to death, which was done accordingly.

But it's an ill wind blaws naebody gude—Let ilka ane roose the ford as they find it—I say let Glasgow flourish!

A vile and infamous debauchee, Pieter de Roose, an habitual seducer of children and girls, does all the harm.

Pieter de Roose, having plucked up courage again, had come back to Meulestee.

In the meantime, Pieter de Roose was running away at full speed.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


