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risky thing

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Rogan allows her female survivor to be shrewd, manipulative and—the most risky thing of all—somewhat unlikeable.

We aren't used to this part of the world, you see, and so we didn't know what a risky thing we were doing.

I think it's a risky thing to drive up to the Spring, and I'd rather Dimpey wouldn't go this time.'

It's a risky thing at the best; and you were very happy here most of the time, and you've got to better that, you know.

But when the first flush of their victory was over, the boys realized that they had done a very daring and risky thing.

Its a risky thing to do, Jack, remarked George, but seems that we havent got much of a choice.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


