
View definitions for reaping


noun as in attainment

noun as in crop

noun as in harvesting

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Every dish was driven by an impulse to reap and share the store’s best offerings, and the anticipation of sharing everything created an appetite we hadn’t felt in months.

From Eater

Banks and their prime customers reap the rewards from the “subprime” customers, a system which often forces the latter out of the banking system in frustration.

From Fortune

The private equity board members focused on profits — and wasted little time in beginning to reap returns.

In fact, weather models signal a wetter summer compared with the previous season, when Brazil reaped a record crop.

From Fortune

These channels not only allow the cable TV conglomerate to reap new revenue from its library of owned programming, but also they provide an opportunity to expand its audience and advertising beyond the people who pay to watch its linear networks.

From Digiday

Privilege can be a hard concept to get a handle on, especially for those who are immersed in it and reaping the benefits.

Related: The 10 Best Apps to Train Your Brain Ready to start reaping these benefits?

Amazon, iTunes, Facebook and more are the ones reaping the benefits of that now.

Hütter acknowledges that Kraftwerk are now reaping the benefits of time having caught up with them.

Its prescient move to develop the Android operating system is reaping benefits, as it dominates the smartphone market.

It laid its hold upon agriculture, sowing and reaping the grain and transporting it to the ends of the earth.

From that date until Barker left France, Pschard collaborated with him, reaping no pecuniary benefit therefrom.

In their rear rushed the patriots, some carrying old muskets, some with scythes and reaping-hooks.

The French farmers calculate upon reaping about sevenfold; if they sow one bushel, they reap, between six and seven.

The pupils furnish oral or written answers, the side answering most questions correctly reaping the honors.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


