

View definitions for questioner


noun as in inquirer

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After 15 seasons, the show’s attempt at a happy ending raised more questions than answers.

From Vox

Both “Philoctetes” and “Women of Trachis” concern, in great measure, questions of suffering, and the infliction and mitigation of pain.

Sofia Miller, 15, was one of the students asked to answer the question during her first-period chemistry class Tuesday.

There are questions about small numbers of votes at the margins, as there always are.

The placement also raises questions about how prominently opinion pieces should be featured.

Usually the questioner is looking for a certain and short answer to what, in their mind, ought to be a black or white issue.

First questioner stood up and said he felt cheated because he had come to hear a physicist in a wheelchair.

In the exchange, outside of the famous Stonewall Inn, the questioner asks, "Do you still believe the West Bank is not occupied?"

When a town-hall questioner named Barry spoke, someone yelled “YEA BARRY!”

The last questioner asked each candidate what is the “biggest misconception that the American people have about you?”

He knew Mademoiselle Reisz a good deal better than he wanted to know her, he informed his questioner.

If Elizabeth hesitated to answer the question which came next, it was not for a reason that seemed to trouble the questioner much.

The questioner, sensing this alteration in the other, made his queries all the quicker and more peremptory.

We talk of Russia and I find no embarrassment in airing my views, but I soon find myself merely the questioner.

For a moment the boy hesitated, looking straight at his questioner.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


