proper name
noun as in name
Strong matches
Example Sentences
Each Soofa has a proper name – the one on Boston Common is called Boris.
Kepler-10c, which is the proper name for the mega-Earth, orbits its star much closer than our planet does.
We don't have to say yes to everything, but let's call things by their proper name.
The F. text has 'Amis ot non'; so that 'Freend' is here a proper name.
Beggers is here used as a proper name, answering to F. Beguins.
In directing to any one who can claim any prefix, or addition, to his proper name do not omit to put that "republican title."
Gleek is the proper name of the second game, and not check, as your correspondent suggests.
In the Hebrew the Beautiful place is expressed by the word Sapir, which some take for the proper name of a city.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.