

View definitions for private citizen

private citizen

noun as in civilian

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Zara Phillips is a private citizen, and not a working member of the royal family.

Los Angeles was still not New York, and in 2009 he resigned to return as a private citizen to the city he had come to love.

It makes no difference that there is no reason whatsoever for a private citizen to own an assault weapon.

Is Pippa a private citizen who became an accidental celebrity and should now be left alone as she tells friends?

For another, his insistence that he was just a “private citizen” ducked the issue of his past denunciations of Freddie and Fannie.

With the greatest pleasure I receive in the character of a private citizen the honor of your address.

As private citizen and public official he always strove to do his full duty.

Yet you will not cease to love me now that I am doomed to be only a poor private citizen for the rest of my days?

It is true, sir, that I came to your house as a private citizen and as a presumed old friend of your family.

Boss Rush, jr., lives here now in the capacity of a private citizen.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


