adverb as in agreeably
Strongest matches
Weak matches
adverb as in courteously
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
So while we weren’t exactly sure how we expected Bareman to answer his phone when we called him in Auckland, it was a pleasant surprise that he was as pleasant as he was.
It’s satisfying to think being in nature is pleasant because this is the environment to which our minds are best adapted.
One of the most pleasant surprises was how many female entrepreneurs went out of their way to support us.
They were then asked whether they remembered the object and whether it was more pleasant or bigger than before, and had to respond as quickly as possible.
After a 10-minute break, they watched another series of objects and rated them on criteria like whether they were more or less pleasant than the objects in the first stage as well as bigger or smaller.
Very pleasantly surprised, I quickly responded, “I would love to see your home, George.”
Klein said he was pleasantly surprised by his close encounter with the governor.
“I was pleasantly surprised,” Rachel McQueen, assistant human ecology professor at the university, said.
Then, observing the cop's uniform, he set down the gun, a small Army model, on a table, and smiled pleasantly.
He brings a palpable sense of decency and a pleasantly crinkly face to the role.
Then both the partners laughed together—pleasantly and cheerfully, as men who are going to receive money, often do.
And he spoke pleasantly to Grandfather Mole, in a soft sort of chatter, because he didn't want to alarm him.
And Flora devoutly kissed her, then gossipped pleasantly about the other guests and the people in the neighborhood.
She spoke calmly, with the pleasantly modulated voice of a well-bred Englishwoman.
The sound of voices came pleasantly through the door, men's voices talking together.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.