piping hot
adjective as in baking
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Latkes are best served piping hot, so I save the frying process for last.
There was a mingled odour of foods, piping hot, and over all the grateful aroma from half a dozen coffee-pots.
With a hot stew, there is nothing more palatable than a stack of piping hot biscuits cooked in a spider over a bed of red embers.
He thrust his hand into the boot and withdrew one of poor Thomasin's precious guineas, piping hot.
I cooked them myself in the white-tiled kitchen, and served them piping hot in a bowl with crackers.
Roll well in meal, or a mixture of meal and flour, and fry to a rich brown in pork fat, piping hot.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.