baking hot
adjective as in baking
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Example Sentences
It's baking hot there, so it's going to be an intense day for the athletes, fans and everyone involved.
They will sit with their heads or their feet in cold draughts in the winter time and in baking hot rooms in the summer.
He had burnt the tip of his nose, for the ground was baking hot, as we soon discovered for ourselves.
In a corner of the Plaza three hens wallowed in the baking hot dust their wings fluttering, clucking comfortably.
Pallid men—chiefly Spaniards—sat or lolled languidly in their verandahs, or crawled about the baking-hot streets.
These gales have ceased to be baking hot, and in another month or two they will be piercingly cold.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.