

View definitions for pillars


noun as in colonnade

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The U.S. campaign against ISIS leans on two pillars: conducting airstrikes, and beefing up local forces.

Testino was commissioned to create a unique piece of work inspired by the six pillars that define The Macallan.

As Testino explains, he decided to interpret each of the pillars via six unique characters.

At the center of it all is Easter Elchies House—one of the so-called six pillars of the company.

Graffiti was borne out of the South Bronx streets as one of the key pillars of the hip-hop movement.

The blind Samson of labor will seize upon the pillars of society and bring them down in a common destruction.

There were pillars of the snowy lime a hundred feet in height, glittering in dazzling beauty.

They are composed of wood, the altars and pillars of the nave being of the same material.

The elegant roof was supported on three rows of red sandstone pillars, adorned with chaste gilding and stucco-work.

The pillars and walls are covered with a white cement, which is equal to marble for its polish.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


