adverb as in effectively
Strongest matches
Strong match
adverb as in urgently
Example Sentences
He argues persuasively that the decision to launch the attack was completely contrary to reason and good military judgment.
But let me try to make the point more calmly and persuasively.
The three astronomers argued persuasively that the rhythm of X-ray bursts they measured is most likely due to the M82 X-1.
With those borders standing, few are arguing, at least persuasively, against the need for stronger border controls.
In response, Obama contended—not very persuasively—that “this is the most transparent administration in history.”
"According to English ideas it seemed strict, of course," the other said persuasively, so that he went on.
District meetings were organized, and the leaders put persuasively the arguments for the acceptance of the terms laid down.
He came forward and sat down on the seat beside her, bending towards her persuasively.
"I'm sorry, doctor, but I can't spend my time in bed now," Bristow said as persuasively as he could.
From this concealment he began to utter persuasively the long, uncouth, melancholy call by which the moose cow summons her mate.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.