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Earlier this month, right before senators departed for their summer recess, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York made an 11th-hour plea to his colleagues to take up the omnibus voting rights bill, the For the People Act.

Last December, Congress passed a year-end omnibus bill that included the reinstatement of Pell Grants for people in prison.

From Time

Instead of an omnibus bill, the bill was amended to largely address the police bill of rights.

That said, individual bills covering the same topics as the two big omnibus bills are still independently making their way through the legislature, meaning some provisions of the bills could become law even if they don’t pass.

News that a DNA match had solved the Craig case came around the same time the Alaska Legislature was considering an omnibus bill that included the sample-upon-arrest proposal.

Late Thursday night, the House passed the combination continuing resolution/omnibus spending bill by a vote of 219-206.

In between, Stockman missed key votes in Washington, including the omnibus budget.

She railed against the omnibus budget deal that just passed Congress.

Coburn was one of the two senators not to vote on the omnibus budget bill earlier Thursday.

Despite a threatened amendment to defund Obamacare from Ted Cruz, the Senate overwhelmingly approved the omnibus budget Thursday.

Or, ‘My friend, my poor old father has just been run over by an omnibus; let us have a drink.’

A learned Professor declared that no person unacquainted with astronomy could correlate “Moon” to “Omnibus.”

Ab eo igitur tpore Patres nostros perhumaniter habuit, atque honorific in omnibus, mensque benign accepit.

In taking your place in an omnibus or car, do so quietly, and then sit perfectly still.

But the time comes when people must go out of town, and so I got on the top of the omnibus, and the carpet-bag was put inside.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


