noun as in stuff
Example Sentences
“The sensation these objects presented receded as their cost increased,” notes Rabinowitz.
The airline industry objects that sometimes these deployable recorders can pop out without cause, spreading needless alarm.
The NRA objects to doctors asking patients basic questions about gun ownership.
His advertising tells a story, but so do the objects themselves.
Suppose my hotel “conscientiously objects” to hosting a gay couple.
It was the darkest hour of twilight, when there was just enough of gleam from the lurid sky, to shew the outline of objects.
It consists in finding relations between the objects of thought with an immediate awareness of those relations.
During his absence his own relations and the chief families in his town became the objects of persecution.
This is secured only by right objects of thought; it is impossible to reach it by voluntary mechanics.
The early recognition of pictured objects, of which certain animals have a measure, is often strikingly discerning.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.