noun as in communication by publication or broadcast
Strongest matches
Strong matches
announcement, cable, communications, correspondence, disclosure, expression, intelligence
Weak match
Example Sentences
Direct-to-consumer brands are increasing their spending on Snapchat this year as part of the ongoing push to diversify media budgets.
Tim Hortons didn’t disclose the amount of its latest fundraise but noted in a social media post that the proceeds will be used for opening more stores, building its digital infrastructure, brand presence and more.
Geetha Ranganathan, a media analyst for Bloomberg Intelligence, estimates that Paramount Plus will need to more than double that total to 40 million to 50 million to be successful.
Psychologists have even observed how people respond naturally and socially towards media artefacts like computers and televisions.
SEO connects your media team to your user experience team, and collaboration between the two is necessary to bridge the gap in 2021 and beyond.
In 2011 LGBT media outlet Queerty took the app to task for allegedly deleting accounts that made reference to being trans.
Much of the media coverage around eating disorders surrounds celebrities and models.
Unconfirmed reports in the French media claimed that the brothers were spotted at a gas station in northern France on Thursday.
Duke was a state representative whose neo-Nazi alliances were disgorged in media reports during his run for governor in 1991.
The media tend to frame situations like this as aberrations, but in this case, quite the opposite is the truth.
It is especially useful with cultures upon serum media, but is applicable also to the sputum.
The gonococcus is distinguished by its failure to grow upon ordinary media.
By far the most frequent exciting causes of acute otitis media are the pneumococcus and the streptococcus.
The question of vernaculars as media of instruction is of national importance; neglect of the vernaculars means national suicide.
No doubt this was due to the nature of the media in which he mainly worked, the masque and the 138 song-book.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.