noun as in data
Example Sentences
I spent half an hour measuring all around the president to get the 27 precise measurements I needed to craft a true custom suit.
The polygraph, which uses a range of measurements including blood pressure, was patented by Leonarde Keeler in 1931.
As a result, the vapor measurements Mahar obtained are likely the best-case scenario.
It has also become, by some measurements, the most ethnically diverse (PDF) region in the country.
Other measurements on nutrition labels—calories, fat, sodium—are passive: They simply state how much is in the food.
The work has been undertaken by an English company, and the necessary measurements already begun.
Old and new measurements, tonnage, time allowances and movable ballast, are all a sealed book to me.
Ivan took the measurements of all the windings of the labyrinth, and when he was at home compared them carefully.
Of course the tonnage of the craft varies; the above measurements are those of a medium-sized one.
The toil of such a spider might last many hours, and be full of such successive measurements, each marked by a spun thread of web.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.