noun as in concentration
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
- amassing
- bringing to bear
- close attention
- coalescing
- compacting
- flocking
- huddling
Example Sentences
Iran sees ISIS forces massing not far from its border in Iraq as a direct threat.
Time to end your silence about the seizure of Crimea and the troops massing at the border with eastern Ukraine.
Is Moscow massing troops on the border for leverage or for war?
The police station got a call: Brotherhood sympathizers were massing for an attack.
The Syrian military seems to be massing to move into the rebel-held city of Homs, writes James Harkin.
Having settled the massing of the description, the next matter for consideration is the arrangement.
In massing the parts of a sentence for the purpose of emphasizing some idea, a writer has not entire freedom.
There are strata, there are eddying air-currents which rend the curtain or shred the massing vapors.
The conditions were far from promising, as a heavy massing of the clouds in the southwest indicated more snow.
But for short marches, over open ground, there was much to be gained by massing men more closely together.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.