Example Sentences
Reduced gas prices are manna for common Ukrainians, who once paid more for Russian gas than did Western Europeans.
Unsurprisingly, the junior senator from Texas is manna to talk-radio warriors.
Instead, the bombs America will drop will be manna for ISIS.
For Romney, a three-way tie for first place in Iowa is manna from heaven.
The ark of the covenant was a wooden chest, and its contents (a pot, some manna, and Aaron's rod) were materialities.
No raw fowls visit my bedside here; food comes as I wish it to come when I am painting, like manna from heaven.
The strong have fed and grown fat upon a larger and ever larger share of the manna.
When Moses was the prophet of Israel, they were fed with manna from heaven.
When the Israelites had crossed Jordan and eaten of the old corn of the land, the manna ceased.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.