noun as in bestower
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By 2013, the company owed the lender about $35,000 per month—solely in interest payments—and imploded in debt.
Lewis is retired, and Thain has reinvented himself as CEO of the reinvented lender CIT Group.
Wells Fargo clearly has generally been a smarter, more careful lender than its peers.
The “peer to peer” lender has big money and big names attached to it.
The company, started in 2006, is one of a new breed of financial firm: a peer to peer lender.
Suppose a corporation makes a loan without proper authority and receives the money, can the lender recover it?
The loan is on the security of the vessel and if she never arrives, the lender loses his money.
A shrewd, double-faced individual, who was secretly a partner with Massin-Levrault the money-lender.
Apparently summoning all his resolution, Mr. Ricketty dried his eyes and fervently grasped the money-lender's hand.
He has not received a definitive answer from Ballachy; meet a money-lender, of whom I have some hopes.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.