Example Sentences
Houston has the largest medical center in the world, and the largest export port in the entire country.
However, in the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections they were the largest bloc of voters.
“The four largest banks are nearly 40 percent bigger today than they were just five years ago,” she observed.
It was as if it would interfere with the largest particular work of her life, which happened to be me.
In 2010 Cuba provided the largest contingent of medical staff during the aftermath of the huge earthquake that shook Haiti.
The pink flowers are the largest while those of a yellow color are the smallest.
Drone: the largest tube of a bag-pipe, giving forth a dull heavy tone.
Leaves of a lanceolate form are the largest, and the shape of those found on most varieties of the American plant.
A dish of toads of the largest and most repulsive variety used to be offered one by one to the big man's relatives and guests.
They led me to the largest wigwam of all; it contained fully eighty people.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.