adjective as in fighting
Strong matches
Example Sentences
Knights kissed at jousting tournaments and would receive one from the person they protected as thanks for a year of service.
You think the political jousting in the Senate Finance Committee is rough?
And so we went driving along again through a wonderful sea of deep blue rollers jousting on a grey ground.
The weight of jousting armour was so great that it was impossible for the wearer to mount without assistance.
As far as can be gathered from recent research the passe-guard is a reinforcing piece for the right elbow, used for jousting.
The jousting was very successful; though some were necessarily discomfited, almost every one contrived to obtain some distinction.
His extensive array of tilting and jousting suits was kept at Greenwich, and an inventory taken of them upon his death.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.