

View definitions for interminably


adverb as in all the time

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Though we finally have vaccines, the wait to return to normalcy can feel interminable.

He knew the site represented glorious potential for skiing, but in talking later to a documentary filmmaker, he called it “quite an ordeal” in winter just to get skiers up the interminable road to where they could even start hiking.

From Time

The structure provides a new way of collapsing interminable terms into just dozens of essential components.

What should have been a 10-minute press conference went on interminably.

Up until five minutes ago, I felt like a cloistered nun interminably praying at a keyboard for words and sentences to materialize.

Then passed rafts of wood interminably long, and barges loaded to the gunwale, and nearly sinking under water.

Flanked by guards, they went down a corridor which stretched on interminably.

To till the soil and labour interminably with rude implements and utensils is all he asks of life and of the powers that be.

Beneath him were two irregular scratches against the dull green-brown of earth that stretched interminably north and south.

Anxiety had her in its grip, the cliffs stretching on and on interminably seemed like misfortune itself made visible.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


