adverb as in forever
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
- durably
- enduringly
- everything considered
- for always
- for ever and ever
- for good
- for keeps
- for life
- forevermore
- immortally
- in perpetuity
- in perpetuum
- infinitely
- interminably
- now and forever
- on and on
- till blue in the face
- till death do us part
- till Doomsday
- till the cows come home
- till the end of time
- unchangingly
- world without end
adverb as in permanently
Strongest match
Weak matches
Example Sentences
The American cinema has made few lastingly useful political statements, and it has often taken fright at the risk of trying.
In the same manner, no woman has ever been truly, lastingly deified in poetry, but in the spirit of truth and of love!
But they are just about as lastingly useful as trying to mend a badly broken china cup at home with cheap cement.
Well she knew that he loved her deeply, honestly, lastingly.
This, then, is the reason that the chalk talk method of teaching is so lastingly impressive.
Surely, humanity has been reflected in the heavens as lastingly as it has impressed itself upon the earth.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.