

View definitions for intercontinental


adjective as in international

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adjective as in multinational

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A fourth team from the eight-nation competition will advance to an intercontinental playoff.

In part, that was a way for the United States to fight fires sparked by intercontinental incendiary balloons.

The region known as Concacaf will conduct an eight-team final round, with three countries advancing to the World Cup and a fourth entering an intercontinental playoff.

The country’s science ministry has unveiled a plan to develop intercontinental passenger spaceships by the early 2040s.

Bartini also developed the theory of intercontinental transport of the Earth, which showed that flying just above the ground would be the best, most sustainable way for transportation on the planet.

From Ozy

The Bush commitment was for interceptors of intercontinental ballistic missiles.

In central Cairo on Wednesday, employees stood outside the destroyed entrance to the upscale InterContinental Semiramis Hotel.

Below are a series of tweets reflecting escalating panic from the staff of the Semiramis InterContinental Hotel.

It was at its height—the U.S. and the Soviet Union threatened each other with thousands of intercontinental missiles.

Cameroon President Paul Biya used the Hotel Intercontinental in Geneva as an unofficial residence for years.

The general plan includes both an interoceanic railroad and links in the intercontinental or north and south lines.

Of all such intercontinental peninsulas, Florida alone seems to have had no rôle as an intermediary.

Hydrogen bombs and airplanes and intercontinental ballistic missiles do not change basic principles.

Intercontinental commerce must be carried on by means of deep-water vessels.

In fact, Cadigans anti just about everything in science except intercontinental missiles.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


